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Beginning to Study the Whole Purpose of God A Christo-Presuppositional Approach to the Entire Scriptures

By Max StrangeBiblical Theological Study Center 1/19/2011 Beginning to Study the Whole Purpose of God A Christo-Presuppositional Approach to the Entire Scriptures Guiding Principles: Find the preliminary meaning of the text as it was understood by the original recipients. Seek to understand the message as it was first delivered to the people of God. (Kaiser) This involves the structure of the text, immediate context, author and audience relationship, the speech and the act that takes place. We begin to take note of the themes, repetitions, allusions, genre, and typology. This involves exegesis and the historical-grammatico method Immediate context is vital;

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How my preaching of the Old Testament has changed

 Oh how I can resonate with the following quote: When I first started preaching 14 years ago, most of my sermons showed a severe disregard for the Old Testament. And even when I crafted a message from one of those books, I was not trying to see the passage post-Easter. I handled the Old Testament as if Jesus hadn’t come.Don’t read the Old Testament pretending Jesus didn’t happen. After Jesus died and rose from the dead, his disciples saw the ancient promises differently. Those promises were no longer suspended in mid-air but became yes in Jesus. The types had found their antitype,

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New Testament Use of the Old Testament: Series by Michael Vlach

New Testament Use of the Old Testament: Series by Michael Vlach: Dr. Michael Vlach of The Master’s Seminary, has a 20 part series on the New Testament use of the Old. What follows are the links to them. Read it and enjoy! NT Use of OT Part 1: Introduction to the Issue NT Use of OT Part 2: Seven Approaches to How the NT Uses the OT NT Use of OT Part 3: Resources for Studying NT Use of the OT NT use of OT Part 4: Contextual Use of the OT by the NT Writers NT Use of OT

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The Consequence Of Fast Food Theology – A Flat Bible

Context Determines Meaning In February had a very disturbing conversation with 3 Mormon elders who would not look at the context of a particular passage of Scripture.  Instead they wanted to standardize all definitions of the word “one” based on a traditional interpretation of John 17:20-21.  This conversation occurred after a talk on Mormonism at our Wednesday Night Bible Study.  These Mormon elders came ready for debate and refused to listen to deal with hermeneutical issues (the science of biblical interpretation) first, so that we could agree on how we go about explaining and interpreting a certain portions of scripture.  American Christianity tends to want things made

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My Promise / Fulfillment Theology

One of the reasons I cannot hold to Classical Covenant Theology, and much more prefer New Covenant Theology or what I call Promise / Fulfillment Theology is that I cannot buy into the idea of “covenant children” within the New covenant since the Bible is clear to me that only regenerate believers are included in the New Covenant (Yes I am a Baptist).  Though I highly respect some great Christian teachers who espouse the idea of “covenant children,” it (in my humble opinion – IMHO) is derived from theological preunderstandings and presuppositions rather than from proper exegesis. It may come from a desire to see those (all or some) who die in

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John Davis : Hermeneutical Issues in the Dispensational Understanding of the Abrahamic Covenant – Quodlibet Journal

Here is a great article on a correct understanding of interpreting the Bible according to its canonical context.  This helps all students of Scripture undrstand what is meant byLiteral interpretation,Bifurcation of the material in the two TestamentsTheological CorrespondenceProgressive RevelationTypologyGrammatical-historical InterpretationThe Unity of the covenantsI love some of these quotes in this article including: Why could not the Old Testament revelation be thought of as the grain of sand, which, after entering the oyster of progressive revelation, has the pearl of additional and deeper concepts added to it without necessarily canceling out the original grain of sand (Fuller 1957, 233)? The history of exegesis

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A Little Something Called Context

It seems that Atheists don’t do their homework when they read Literature like the Bible.  One must engage the Authors of the Bible (Both God and man) and their presuppositions and contexts to understand meaning.  It seems that when people don’t, they can incorrectly invent any discrepancies in the Bible that they want.  The following link is a refutation of an atheist’s misinterpretation of Scripture by Douglas Wilson. A Little Something Called Context see also

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Placing a Bible Verse in the pattern of Sound Words (2 Timothy 1:13)

I continue to study and work on how the bible frames the demands of the New Testament Law upon unbelievers since we have a new lawgiver Jesus instead of Moses. This concept of framing is very important because to now see every verse in its Canonical framework can make us misuse texts. Paul says to Timothy: “Follow the pattern of the sound words that you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.” (2 Timothy 1:13 ESV). Notice that we are not just to follow the words but the pattern (the framework) of sound

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Parchment and Pen: The Problem With Proof-Texting

Parchment and Pen – The Problem With Proof-Texting by Lisa Robinson For those who don’t know what proof-texting is – it is finding passages of scripture that supports whatever position you want to uphold. Typically what happens is that an assertion is made, which generates disagreement. The opposer will list a passage of scripture or a string of passages as proof that that assertion is wrong. I have noticed this to be a common occurrence in the blogosphere. But I do believe it happens quite often in face to face conversations. Now, please don’t get me wrong. I do understand the

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Glenn Leatherman

I am first of all a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ. I affirm Evangelical Christian beliefs as well as  Gospel driven in philosophy of ministry. I am married to Ann and am raising 2 wonderful boys – Jonathan and Andrew. My purpose is to build disciplemaking disciples that are becoming fishers of men in fully displaying of God’s Glory in all things. Learn more

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