John Piper on Missions see also see also
The fuel and goal of all evangelism is true heartfelt worship that celebrates and enjoys God. The Evangelism that flows from God-centered worship are the bookends (so to speak) of Disciplemaking that obeys the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20). I believe in evangelism and missions because I believe its necessity is taught in the Bible. People have broken God’s law and are in need a savior to save them from the wrath of God. The Bible declares that “there is one God, and [only] one mediator also between God and men, the man Jesus Christ.” (1 Timothy 2:5). This is why we must
Church Planting is for Wimps Read the whole book at the link above Mike McKinley – Church Planting is for Wimps from 9Marks on Vimeo. see also
Dr. Albert Mohler on living risky lives for the Gospel: see also
Church Planter by Darrin Patrick [Video Trailer]: “For the book Church Planter: The Man, the Message, the Mission by Darrin Patrick. You Can Check out this video trailer where Darrin Patrick explains the importance and urgency of discovering and developing God-called men to lead the church on mission in our generation. “ see also see also
I appreciate this article on Church planting by Phillip Jensen I Will Build My Church (the challenge of church planting) by Phillip Jensen Perhaps it is because whenever we read the verse, we think of claims to papal power and the need to prove that Peter was not the first pope. Whatever the reason, we often forget the other more positive side of Matthew 16:18. “I will build my church.” This is a momentous statement, for it describes Jesus’ program for the future. At this point in Matthew’s Gospel, the storm clouds are gathering. In the very next paragraph Jesus
A Grassroots GCR: Every Church, a Church Planting Church: “ Bring It Back – A Grassroots GCR: Every Church, a Church Planting ChurchBy Tim Brister Essentially, a commitment to the Great Commission inherently requires a passion for church planting. Christ gave this commission to the local church, and yet less than 15% of churches have owned it to the point of actively being involved in planting churches.[1] The question that must be asked then is why 85% of churches in North America are not engaged in the Great Commission to the point of making disciple-making disciples who form into church
Orality and Missions links MAKING DISCIPLES OF ORAL LEARNERS (Lausanne Conference for World Evangelization) Making Disciples of Oral Learners” Paperback Book (International Mission Board of the SBC) A CASE FOR NAVIGATOR INVOLVEMENT WITH DISCIPLING ORAL LEARNERS PILOT PROJECTS By Bill Moritz and Paul Krueger (Navigators) Making Disciples of Oral Learners by Avery Willis (Amazon) Making Disciples of Oral Learners (PDF) see also
Let God’s Character fire you up for missions: see also
I am first of all a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ. I affirm Evangelical Christian beliefs as well as Gospel driven in philosophy of ministry. I am married to Ann and am raising 2 wonderful boys – Jonathan and Andrew. My purpose is to build disciplemaking disciples that are becoming fishers of men in fully displaying of God’s Glory in all things. Learn more