Open-Air Preaching

Good Example of Open-Air street Witnessing

Here is one of my friends, James, who is witnessing to people at the 3rd Street Promenade in Santa Monica last Saturday Night.  This is one of his best encounters with a man who is a consistent antagonist each week.  This is a known place where stars from Movies and TV shop, but it also a hangout for many and a fund place to do their shopping.  This is a weekly Evangelistic ministry at the 3rd street Promenade see also

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Glenn Leatherman

I am first of all a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ. I affirm Evangelical Christian beliefs as well as  Gospel driven in philosophy of ministry. I am married to Ann and am raising 2 wonderful boys – Jonathan and Andrew. My purpose is to build disciplemaking disciples that are becoming fishers of men in fully displaying of God’s Glory in all things. Learn more

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