
How my preaching of the Old Testament has changed

 Oh how I can resonate with the following quote: When I first started preaching 14 years ago, most of my sermons showed a severe disregard for the Old Testament. And even when I crafted a message from one of those books, I was not trying to see the passage post-Easter. I handled the Old Testament as if Jesus hadn’t come.Don’t read the Old Testament pretending Jesus didn’t happen. After Jesus died and rose from the dead, his disciples saw the ancient promises differently. Those promises were no longer suspended in mid-air but became yes in Jesus. The types had found their antitype,

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2013 Shepard’s Conference

Shepherd’s Conference 2013 John MacArthur, writer, theologian and pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, CA, annually hosts an event, known as the Shepherd’s Conference, that is dedicated to teaching, edifying and encouraging pastors from around the world. The conference, which has grown each year, drew more than 3,000 pastors at this year’s meeting. Keynote speakers included: John MacArthur  Phil Johnson (executive director of Grace to You)  Steve Lawson (pastor of Christ Fellowship Baptist Church in Mobile, AL)  Al Mohler (president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary)  Tom Pennington (pastor of Countryside Bible Church in Dallas, TX) Media for the 2013 Shepherd’s Conference is now

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Squishy Evangelicals

I have been thinking about the the way some Christian leaders are becoming more liberal and/or not dealing with any difficult text in their preaching.  I consistently see this happening today more and more – especially by those in ministry positions. The article below calls these Christians “Squishy Evangelicals.” and is a start in unpacking my thinking about this issue that is a concern to Evangelicals today.  I believe that “Squishy Evangelicals” are the cause of much disunity today instead of people who lovingly hold to strong robust doctrine and theology in their teaching.  Do you see this trend too? If We Believe All

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Gospel Centered Preaching vs. Informational Preaching

The “informational” view of preaching conceives of preaching as changing people’s lives after the sermon. They listen to the sermon, take notes, and then apply the Biblical principles during the week. But this assumes that our main problem is a lack of compliance to Biblical principles, when all our problems are actually due to a lack of joy and belief in the gospel. Our real problem is that Jesus’ salvation is not as real to our hearts as the significance and security our idols promise us. If that’s our real problem, then the purpose of preaching is to make Christ

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Integrative Model for Preaching Series by Dr. Kenton Anderson

The following is taken from the appendix of “Preaching with Conviction”. My daughter and I had a disturbing conversation a few months ago. It was a typical father/daughter discussion. She wanted to do something I thought might be inappropriate and I said so with all the fatherly tenderness and respect I thought necessary for such an occasion. She was quick, however, to sense the nature of my rebuke. “Dad, I don’t need to hear a sermon,” she said as she turned her back on me and walked away. She was nine years old. Her response stung, given that I make

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The Ultimate Aim of All Christian Preaching

I love this because it is missing in much of our churches today.  The church is anemic today because we don’t do gospel preaching.  Christ is the focus of our preaching and the point of our affection. The Ultimate Aim of All Christian Preaching  by John Piper  Or: How Is All Preaching Gospel Preaching?  Or: How Is All Preaching the Proclamation of Christ Crucified? Ten Theses: 1. Whatever lasting good God ever does or ever did or ever will do for any individual person, he does and did and will do because of his free, utterly undeserved grace. What do you have that you

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Extemporaneous style of preaching good for most…

Good Biblical exposition (preaching) is best done in an extemporaneous style for most (not all) preachers. I currently preach without notes much better and I explain things more exactly when I preach this way on my feet than when I preached with a full manuscript. My experience tells me that most preachers would benefit of preaching extemporaneously, because if frees them from their notes to actually think and and prevents them from plagiarizing themselves in the pulpit. Preachers may make full manuscripts or notes or outlines or mind-maps in preparation for preaching. Writing is good and very important to get

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Here is a great lecture by Dr. John Carrick on Extemporaneous preaching and the need for it as the primary method of delivery sermons.   He sums up this method in the end in contrast by saying “Paper is a very porr medium from which to carry fire.”  Listen and enjoy and let me know what you think if this. – The Extemporaneous Mode of Preaching Summary of message: Dr. John Carrick believes that the best mode or method of delivery of sermons is the extemporaneous method by a long shot.  he even gives the example of Jonathan Edwards move toward an extemporaneous

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Good Example of Open-Air street Witnessing

Here is one of my friends, James, who is witnessing to people at the 3rd Street Promenade in Santa Monica last Saturday Night.  This is one of his best encounters with a man who is a consistent antagonist each week.  This is a known place where stars from Movies and TV shop, but it also a hangout for many and a fund place to do their shopping.  This is a weekly Evangelistic ministry at the 3rd street Promenade see also

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Sermon Builder from Shepherds’ Fellowship

Here is a good overview of the sermon development process that a faithful expositor of God’s world would go through ever time he speaks: This is a useful process for pastors, Sunday School teachers, bible study teachers,  and other small small group leaders as well. see also

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Glenn Leatherman

I am first of all a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ. I affirm Evangelical Christian beliefs as well as  Gospel driven in philosophy of ministry. I am married to Ann and am raising 2 wonderful boys – Jonathan and Andrew. My purpose is to build disciplemaking disciples that are becoming fishers of men in fully displaying of God’s Glory in all things. Learn more

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