Reformed Theology

It Is The Gospel That Unifies the Church Not Our Theologies

I applaud Ray Ortland for his attitude when it comes to theology and ministry and fellowship. Read this and see if it resonates with you. Overcoming the tendency of our hearts and our theological distinctives to make us aloof from other Christians  by Ray Ortland  originally entitled: #10: Truly Reformed – a post from: Ray Ortlund I believe in the sovereignty of God, the Five Points of Calvinism, the Solas of the Reformation, I believe that grace precedes faith in regeneration. Theologically, I am Reformed. Sociologically, I am simply a Christian – or at least I want to be. The tricky thing about our

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Gospel is focus of SBC unity, Ascol says

It is so refreshing to hear finally that the discussions in the SBC are turning toward theology. I appreciate Tom Ascol’s remarks at the founders conference this year. He points to center our lives around the Gospel. Good Theology always drives us to the Gospel and helps us define, document, defend the Gospel of Jesus Christ. A fully biblical Gospel, with all its related doctrines, must again be proclaimed in churches and in evangelism. Here is a quote that convicted me to become more theolgically and gospel minded: “I believe we are living in an early era of ‘re-theologizing’ of

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Glenn Leatherman

I am first of all a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ. I affirm Evangelical Christian beliefs as well as  Gospel driven in philosophy of ministry. I am married to Ann and am raising 2 wonderful boys – Jonathan and Andrew. My purpose is to build disciplemaking disciples that are becoming fishers of men in fully displaying of God’s Glory in all things. Learn more

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