Rob Bell

Bell’s Hell and the Destiny of Those Who’ve Never Heard of Jesus

Bell’s Hell and the Destiny of Those Who’ve Never Heard of Jesus: “by Sam Storms @ In a recent interview with Sally Quinn of The Washington Post, Rob Bell again muddied the waters over the question of the fate of those who’ve never heard about Jesus. In doing so he also greatly misrepresented the evangelical answer to this question. Here are his words: “If, billions and billions and billions of people, God is going to torture them in hell forever – people who never heard about Jesus are going to suffer in eternal agony because they didn’t believe in

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MSNBC Host Makes Rob Bell Squirm: "You’re Amending The Gospel…

Oh, how good it is to see that that those who were decrying Justin Taylor for His criticism did not really understand the issue at all.  You don’t have to read everything to make a comment and discern wether a writer is orthodox in his theology or not.  One can, should, and do make educated judgments based on previous experience, understandings, evidences. Those that complained about Taylor and Piper need to become much more discerning rather than trying to sound intelligent.   Justin Taylor Commented on this video:  Martin Bashir is a reporter impatient with evasive answers. He even quotes from Kevin DeYoung’s review and asks Rob Bell

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Controversy can help us! Eternal Hell, Universalism, and Rob Bell

Controversies are common place when it comes to the development of Christian doctrine.  Over the years it has been controversies that have cause faithful Christians to re-look and define more carefully and accuractly and more committedly what we believe.  The latest controversy over hell and universalism (started by the promotion of Rob Bells new book, Love Wins) will do the same I pray for this generation. On the first weekend in March 2011 a controversy started over Rob Bell’s latest book, Love Wins (due out on March 29, 2011), supposably advoicating universalism and the non-eternality of Hell for individuals.  Controversy can be good because it makes us go back to

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Glenn Leatherman

I am first of all a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ. I affirm Evangelical Christian beliefs as well as  Gospel driven in philosophy of ministry. I am married to Ann and am raising 2 wonderful boys – Jonathan and Andrew. My purpose is to build disciplemaking disciples that are becoming fishers of men in fully displaying of God’s Glory in all things. Learn more

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