The following is a GREAT post from theo-enthumology blog about how we (as Christia pastors and churches), with all our good differences, denominations, and distinctions) need to make the Gospel there very center of our ministry and worship:
Does your church celebrate the gospel, or its own uniqueness in this world?: “
Trevin Wax, author of , and blogger at Kingdom People, has written a very thought provoking blog post at thegospelcoalition called . Wax opens his blog post with the following paragraph:
“What your congregation celebrates corporately is just as important as what your church affirms doctrinally. Celebrate the gospel, and cross-cultural ministry will bubble up in surprising ways. Celebrate your church’s preferential distinctions, and your congregation will become an insular group of like-minded individuals.”
In this article Wax gives us two fictitious examples of people having to leave their current churches when they move away to other cities, and how their churches’ distinctives made it close to impossible for them to find new churches where they could feel “comfortable.”