Gospel Growth = People Growth – CONFERENCE AUDIO

Gospel Growth = People Growth – CONFERENCE AUDIO

More and more I am glad to understand “Gospel Growth” and it implications for the church rather than the unbalanced theology of “Church Growth” methodology. The following are audio of the Gospel grwoth=Peopple Growth Conference in 2009. Listen, learn, apply and enjoy..
D.A. Carson
Introduction: Ministry, Motives, and Mentors
MP3 [34mb]50minDavid Helm
The Personal Work of Gospel Witness
MP3 [42mb]61minMark Dever
The Four Ps of Evangelical Ministry
MP3 [31mb]44minPhillip Jensen
Biblical Theology of Ministry 1: The Aim and Method of Ministry (degraded audio quality)

Phillip Jensen
Biblical Theology of Ministry 2: All God’s People as Prophets and Disciple-Makers
MP3 [54mb]79minPhillip Jensen
What is Training? People not Programs.MP3 [53mb]77minMarty Sweeney
Obstacles to Training
MP3 [27mb]39minDavid HelmThe Pastor’s Work of Gospel Training
MP3 [35mb]51minTony Payne
Training and Gospel Resources
MP3 [41mb]60minPhillip Jensen
How a Training Mentality Leads to Gospel Workers
MP3 [32mb]46min

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