JBMW Online

JBMW Online: (Journal for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood)
Denny Burk reports:
We have introduced a significant change with the release of the latest issue of JBMW. We have moved to an exclusively online format. That means all of our articles will be immediately available for download for anyone who wants to read them. We will still produce two fascicles per year, and the first one for 2010 has just appeared at the CBMW website. Starting with this issue, readers have the option to download the entire journal in one PDF document. Readers can also view individual articles in HTML or download individual articles in PDF. Current subscribers to the print version will be receiving a letter next week explaining the changes.

The full table of contents is printed below, but I want to highlight one article in particular. Tom Schreiner has writer a feature-length review (9,000 words) of Philip Payne’s recent book Man and Woman, One in Christ: An Exegetical and Theological Study of Paul’s Letters. Schreiner’s conclusion sums up his take on Payne’s book:

“Payne is to be thanked for the tone of his book, for he is fair and respectful (even though he feels very strongly about this matter!) with those with whom he disagrees. Furthermore, complementarians will be gratified to see his high view of scripture. I suspect that Payne’s book will not have a great impact. Most of what he says is not new, and I have argued that his interpretations are unpersuasive at point after point. Surely he will convince some, for many in our culture today ardently desire egalitarianism to be true. But it will not hit the scholarly world like an avalanche.”
Read the rest here.

Item Title Author
Editorial Denny Burk
Odds & Ends JBMW
Boys Wearing Skirts to School? What’s Going On? R. Albert Mohler Jr.
Marriage as It Was Meant to Be Seen: Headship, Submission, and the Gospel Jason Hall and Peter R. Schemm Jr.
“Husbands, Love Your Wives . . .” A Practical Suggestion and Tool for Husbands to Use in Leading their Marriages for the Glory of God Rob Lister
Whither Men? A Response to a Recent Barna Study on the Increase of Female Pastors in Protestant Churches Owen Strachan
Galatians 3:28: Grammar, Text, Context, and Translation Wayne Walden
Godliness and Gender: Relating Appropriately to All (1 Timothy 2:9–12) James M. Hamilton Jr.
Philip Payne on Familiar Ground Thomas R. Schreiner
Two Egalitarian Paths toward the Same Destination Ben Reaoch
A Lack of Balance Heath Lambert
Insightful but Flawed Look at Gospel Women Owen Strachan
Fatherhood Is No Accident Phillip R. Bethancourt

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