introductory Connection
Passage – in 4 Gospels (Matt. 21:1-11, Mk. 11:1-11, Lk. 19:29-38)
Before – Tell no man (Matthew 16:20, Mk. 5:43, 9:9). He avoided display
Unique initiative of Christ – Before he had departed (John 6:15), declined (7:4)
Why Change in policy – Acted with gathers glory in mind, because scriptures so require, submission to the Father’s Word, Loving obedience
What Scriptures – Genesis 49:9-11, Zechariah 9:9
Debatable Scripture – Dan. 9:24-27
FCF: We are lazy in what we give honor to and that makes us lazy in regard to our piety.
Theme: What you honor determine how you act.
1. …Proclaim v. 12-13
- Purification – reason for Crowd – Galatians
- Hosanna – Save now – Feast of Tabernacles (lev 23:40, Rev 7:9), Rev 7:9, Psalm 118:25-26 – Given to a trimhal king (not a petition)
- Omniscience attested to
2. …Fear (v. 14-15)
- Sacrifical Ass – Lk 19:30, Num. 19:2, Deut. 21:3
- is Christ offering the Kingdom to Israel
- No Excuses for Israel the nation
- Zech 9:9
- Rejoice is left out and instead “Fear not” is Inserted
- Probably from Isaiah 40
- Ox vs. Horse – Psalm 20:7, Exodus 14:23, 15:1, Isa. 31:1-3
- Things that are esteemed by men are an abomination to God – Rev. 19:11, Lk. 16:15
3. …Trust (vv. 16-18)
- Apostles apprehended diving things slowly – not necessary against it but did not understand
- problem with success in ministry
- Emphasizes deep guild of the nation for rejecting him whose credentials were so unimpeachable
4. …the validity of your passions (v. 19)
- Proves the Fickleness of human nature
- God’s dealing with men – Constraining and Restraining
- Doesn’t allow them to carry out their evil
- Constraining
- Joseph – Genesis 39:22
- Balaam – Num 23:30
- Cyrus – Ezra 1:1-2
- Restraining
- Abimelech – Gen 20:6
- Brethren of Joseph – Gen 37:18
Misplaced Enthuiasm in what we honor
8:30, 48
10:42, 11:45, 12:11, 19 but in 12:37
For Wrong reasons
military power, freedom
not interested in a redeemer
beware of people co-opting Jesus for their cause – it shows what they really honor
It is a dreadful misunderstanding to honor Jesus as a philosopher, great teacher, great liberator, Capitalist, great Marxist, great example, etc.
You worship Jesus for various thirsts that he represents and embodies and still yell “crucify Him” on Friday.
Remember: When you hear Jesus name invoked by groups – and co-opt his name for their cause (environmentalism, socialism, etc), listen closely to see if he is heralded as the Savior of sinners.