One of the amazing things that I am learning about resolutions is that we should make them weekly and daily as projects and Next actions or goals and not just ideas of change that we make yearly. This was the example of Jonathan Edwards. Read more about his resolutions at
A New Year’s Resolution is a commitment that an individual makes to a project or a habit, often a lifestyle change that is generally interpreted as advantageous. The name comes from the fact that these commitments normally go into effect on New Year’s Day and remain until the set goal has been achieved, although many resolutions go unachieved and are often broken fairly shortly after they are set.
I want my resolutions to be a constant lifestyle where I am dealing with areas of focus and change that create my goals and Next actions. The reason resolutions fail is because we delay them and don’t actually put them into a trusted system for accomplishment them. They are too large and we never make them projects that require many different next actions.
Decisions, but always be followed up by action!, and because we don’t understand the importance of making a decision, I fail to act. A New Years resolution is a perfect example of procrastination, that disease that we all suffer from time to tiem, and some, a lot more than others. thus, in most cases , New Years resolutions become a postponed goal – you want to do something, but you will postpone it a few weeks until New Years day. This mentality usually defeats the resolution from from the start, because we don’t process the goal that requires several objectives (Next actions) that are necessary to achieve at resolution. When New Years come , we don’t have the same time or motivation to do it because we have not processed it before. One key for resolutions is to make them a lifestyle. Place them in a trusted system that help you accomplish them. organize that objectives that will help you achieve them. and do it all asap. the Bible says that we should redeem the time (Ephesiasn 5:17), but most of us don’t.
Here is an example:
For example, if your resolution was the timeless classic “I want to lose weight”, you would gorge yourself over the festive period, happy in the knowledge that it is OK as you are going to lose weight in the New Year. If you want to lose weight, make a decision, take action, and lose the weight. Don’t put it off for a few weeks due to some time constraints. Setting out on any major goal planning such as this is destined to fail, and probably why so many do.
If you don’t know where you are going, any path will get you there or You cannot his a target that you don’t have. You must process and organize you decisions in order to take actions to realize your goals. any resolution usually involves change in your lifestyle and the way you rune your time and life.
You need the support of others too. When you set and break resolutions, other people will lose faith in what you are saying. Don’t wait to make resolutions, take stock of your life weekly in the afterglow of Sunday Worship and make weekly resolutions, put them in a trusted system to organize them, and then act now on them each day.