The Comfort of Knowing the Way

The Comfort of Knowing the Way
John 14:1-11
Introductory connections

  • Any other man would have his mind thrown in to a state of uncontrollable agitation
  • Instead of being occupied with what lay before himself, he spent the time in comforting his disciples
  • Disciples understood his references to His coming passion as parables
  • There were sufficient statements (Like when he told the Jews that he was leaving and they couldn’t come, or “his soul as troubled”…

5 results of knowing the way:-

  1. To know the way results in you will not be troubled – 1
  2. To know the way results in a life that has unbroken security in his presence -2-3
  3. To know the way results in following Jesus – 4-6
  4. To know the way results in knowing God the Father – 7-9
  5. To know the way results in believing Jesus words are the Father’s words – 10
see also
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