What Is Biblical Theology?: A Guide to the Bible’s Story, Symbolism, and Pattern
Author(s): James M. Hamilton Jr.
Publisher: Crossway Books
Price: $3.99 (Aug 30-Sept 5)
Audible Deal: N/A
How Do You Read the Bible?
The Bible recounts a single story—one that began at creation, encompasses our lives today, and will continue till Christ’s return and beyond. In What Is Biblical Theology?, Jim Hamilton introduces us to this narrative, helping us understand the worldview of the biblical writers so that we can read the Old and New Testaments as those authors intended. Tracing the key patterns, symbols, and themes that bind the Bible together, this book will help you understand Scripture’s unified message and find your place in the great story of redemption.
Biblical Theology in the Life of the Church: A Guide for Ministry (9Marks)
Author(s): Michael Lawrence
Publisher: Crossway Books
Price: $3.99 (Aug 30-Sept 5)
Audible Deal: N/A
Capitol Hill Baptist Church associate pastor Michael Lawrence contributes to the IXMarks series as he centers on the practical importance of biblical theology to ministry. He begins with an examination of a pastor’s tools of the trade: exegesis and biblical and systematic theology. The book distinguishes between the power of narrative in biblical theology and the power of application in systematic theology, but also emphasizes the importance of their collaboration in ministry.
Having laid the foundation for pastoral ministry, Lawrence uses the three tools to build a biblical theology, telling the entire story of the Bible from five different angles. He puts biblical theology to work in four areas: counseling, missions, caring for the poor, and church/state relations. Rich in application and practical insight, this book will equip pastors and church leaders to think, preach, and do ministry through the framework of biblical theology.
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