2 Samuel 11 – Flesh, Blood, and Fidelity

This is the famous narrative of David adultery with Bathsheba and murder of Uriah her husband. In the preceding 2 chapters David had delt with those inside Israel (Mephibosheth) and those outside Israel (Hanan) with covenant kindness and loyalty. One would see David’s leadership as one where fidelity was the driving value of his kingdom administration if it were not for Chapter 11. In this chapter David show his divided loyalties between his own desires and his loyalty to God. Fidelity to God in David’s life only went so far it seems. You can learn much about your fidelity to Christ from understanding where you compartmentalize your life to keep Christ’s Lordship from intruding too closely. We also see ways of growing in our fidelity to Christ’s Lordship including 1) Don’t slack off prusing God through his Word, 2) Don’t prusue earthly success to control circumstances, 3) Don’t prusue safety in life apart from following Christ, and 4) Don’t think you will grow without a heart that is absolutely surrendered to Christ’s Lordship. This narrative should teach you that you can fall into sin just as easily as David did if you don’t prusue fidelity with God in all things regardless of the cost. Listening to this sermon will help you see the importance of fidelity as you come to Christ for forgiveness of sins and follow Christ as His disciple.

see also www.disciplemaking.net
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