July 2006

ETS Doctrine

Does the ETS Doctrinal Statement Say Enough?’ In deciding on what to include in a doctrinal statement I think the ETS statement (only containing 2 points) is to minimalistic to define the boundaries of “Evangelical Christianity,” or for that matter “Christianity.” Even Though defining Evangelicalism today is difficult since the word has become so elastic to include about anyone, we must thing through our definitions of these words. Dr. Ron Van Neste says:The events of Sept 11 have raised awareness of the importance of boundaries or limitations, boundaries determining who may be admitted into our country and who may not,

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Faith & Practice: Justification by Luther: Luther in Context (Part 3)

Here is a good discussion on tracing some of the significant developments in Luther’s understanding of justification, as well as, providing some observations regarding possible contributions such a study makes in today’s justification conversation.: Faith & Practice: Justification by Luther: Luther in Context (Part 3) see also www.disciplemaking.net

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Christ the Only Savior of Interpretation

Here is a final reference from the article this I pointed to this wednesday: “Why must our Hermeneutics be Trinitarian?”. I believe that the author provides a good basis for us to be Christocentric in our Interpretations of God’s Word, The Bible. Christ the Only Savior of Interpretation byVern Sheridan Poythress see also www.disciplemaking.net

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On July 4th – Rememberiing The Forgotten Founder

The Wall Street Journal ran a good article on the the only minister to sign the Declaration of Independence – John Witherspoon. The Forgotten Founder For us looking back on the generation of the Founders, it is easy to deprecate the religious inheritance that, for many of them, formed the ground of their commitment to political liberty. Theological skeptics and even atheists there were aplenty in late eighteenth-century America. But for every Jefferson who re-wrote the Bible excising every mention of miracles, there was a platoon of men like Madison who wrote commentaries on the Bible. Witherspoon believed that religion

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Glenn Leatherman

I am first of all a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ. I affirm Evangelical Christian beliefs as well as  Gospel driven in philosophy of ministry. I am married to Ann and am raising 2 wonderful boys – Jonathan and Andrew. My purpose is to build disciplemaking disciples that are becoming fishers of men in fully displaying of God’s Glory in all things. Learn more

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