November 2016

Thanksgiving: Contentment over Covetousness

We come to a time of year where we emphasize “thanksgiving,” but we still may be inappreciative for what we already have.  As consumers, we can become inappreciative and ungrateful to God.  We become covetous instead of thankful, and we lose our contentment. Man is covetous (ungrateful) by nature.  Jesus said, “20“…What comes out of a person is what defiles him. 21For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, … coveting, ….” (Mark 7:20–22).  Paul also says that a “debased mind is filled with … covetousness…” (Romans 1:28–29).  The dictionary defines it as “excessive

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As A Debtor, Pay The Gospel Forward

Growing up, my family celebrated Thanksgiving many years at the annual A&M vs. Texas football game, as we met in either College Station or Austin for the game.  I always appreciated that my family cared enough to get together to celebrate thanksgiving before the game.  As I look back on this holiday through the lens of the “pay it forward” concept found in scripture, I see my Thanksgiving Holiday celebrations to be not as other centered as they could have been.  However, what should “Pay It Forward” mean to a believer?  I know what it means to “pay it (a

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Making Bible Application

The application should always relate to what God has done, will do, wants done, or instructs people to do. Preaching is not just a process of encouraging people to be nice to one another and live a happy life. The Bible is all about how God works with and through people to accomplish his purposes on earth. God is still at work with his people and still wants them to follow his instructions. He desires a relationship of love and commitment so that his plans will be fulfilled in their lives. The application of a passage should encourage people not

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A New Respect for Power

One the issues we have had recently at our home is the gross algae growing on our deck and on the outside stairs leading to the basement.  This past weekend I endeavored to pressure wash the stairs with a pressure washer that I had borrowed pressure washer in my bare feet.  While clearing the stairs I accidently also ran the spray across my left foot which cut the top layer of the skin off my foot.  Believe me, I now have new respect for the power of pressure washers. Respect for power is an important and in many ways.  Here

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True and Trustworthy

Pollsters flubbed the 2016 presidential election in seismic fashion.  Many are scratching their heads as to how our brightest pollsters could be so wrong.  Jonathan Barnett, a Republican National Committeeman from Arkansas, says, “The pollsters have lost a lot of credibility and won’t be believed on anything soon.”  I personally find it amazing that people will be honest with strangers that they don’t know when asking them about their most important values.  For many, our biases can lead us to the wrong conclusions. While the polls were wrong in this election, the Bible is not.  For many that don’t believe

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Spiritually Sidetracked?

It is so easy to get sidetracked.  When I was kid our family would drive to Florida from Houston on our yearly family vacation.  My dad and I were in the front and my sister and mom were in the back seat.  We would drive hard for 2 days without even stopping for lunch.  One year when the weather was nasty, my dad got sidetracked by following another car along I-10.  He accidently missed a turn and ended up following that car all the way into the city of New Orleans which added several ours to our trip for that

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Routines Can Increase Your Spiritual Net Worth

“42And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. …” (Acts 2:42–47) Routines are beneficial for being devoted in our walk with Christ.  It seems that being good at anything requires a routine.  Tonight is the 7th game of the World Series, and players will be nervous and will revert to their routines to get ready for the game.  The opportunity to achieve greatness in this game requires a devotion to their craft and their routine is necessary way they prepare to play. Celestine Chua says that “A routine is

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Glenn Leatherman

I am first of all a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ. I affirm Evangelical Christian beliefs as well as  Gospel driven in philosophy of ministry. I am married to Ann and am raising 2 wonderful boys – Jonathan and Andrew. My purpose is to build disciplemaking disciples that are becoming fishers of men in fully displaying of God’s Glory in all things. Learn more

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