Christ Revitalizing His Disciples

Christ Revitalizing His Disciples
John 14:21-31
Introductory Connections

Grounds of Comfort: 1) He was going to the Father’s house. 2) He would make provision for their coming there. 3) After necessary preparations, He would come and escort them there. 4) He would give them the energy necessary to go along that way. 5) He would not withdraw from the miraculous power which he had conferred upon them – they do greater things. 6) Sufficiency to discharge their calling through prayer. 7) a Divine person shold be sent to supply His places as their guide. 8) Not be left orphans. 9) Apprehend the oneness of life shared by the Father and the Son and the sons.

Additional grounds of Comfort in our passage: 10) He would manifest Himself to those who kept his Commandments. 11) Those who kept his Word should be loved by the Father. 12) The HS would bring back to their remembrance all things…. 13) Peace he left with them. 14) His own peace he bequeathed unto them

FCF: We have become religious and thus not experienced God’s manifestation
Theme: Since the obedient Christian life is the proof of our love, you must revitalize your life by the Word of God alone.
Purpose: to make us realize that there is careless obedience to Christ’s commands
Question: How can we make God’s love for us dependent on our Our obedience?
T/S: Let look at sever promises that will revitalize our obedience of Faith…

  1. the promise of manifestation v. 21-22
  2. the promise of Fellowship (for those who prove they love Christ)–v. 23-24
  3. the promise of remembrance – vv. 25-26
  4. the promise of peace v. 27
  5. the promise of His coming – v. 28-29
  6. the Promise of Christ’s perfect holiness – v. 30-31
see also
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