Intoductory Connections
- These words cry aloud to sleeping churchmen and drowsy congregations
- Unbelief = Reliance on Hman Resources – Computer for the Church
- Resume
- Fear of man – Deut 6:13, Prov. 1:7
FCF: People fail to take responsibility for their sin
Theme: God’s judicial judgement is deserved
because of people’s unbelieving and rebellious hearts.
T/S: Here are some Resume items of Jesus on the unbelief of the people
1. Unbelief Is Par Of God’s Prophetic Plan -Vv. 36-38
2. Unbelief Comes With Personal Responsibility And Culpability – V. 38
3. Unbelief Deserves Divine Judicial Judgment – vv. 39-41
4. Unbelief Comes From The Fear Of Man – Vv. 42-43
5. Unbelief Rejects God’s Exact Representative – vv. 44-45
6. Unbelief Doesn’t See The Light As Desirable Or The Darkness As Detestable – V. 46
7. Unbelief Means That Jesus Will Be Your Judge On The Last Day – vv. 47-50
Concluding Connections
- No man will receive from God than what he deserves
- God never turned away a sinner who come tohim pleading for his life
- Matthew 11? – Come to me all who are weary and I will give you rest.
- I admit you cannot come without his help
- It is your responsibility to come
- If you will not you have noone to blame but your self.
see also