Kingdom Through Covenant – A Biblical-Theological understanding of the Covenants by Peter J. Gentry and Stephen J. Wellum
…”Events are never left as self-interpreting, there was always a divinely initiated prophetic or apostolic word of interpretation. …. without God’s acts the words would be empty, without his words the acts would be blind.”
It is not enough to read the scripture in a “thin” manner, i.e., as isolated text apart from the whole. Instead we must read text in a thick way, i.e., in light of the entire canon of Scripture. … It is also another way of speaking about he ‘fuller meaning’ of scripture or what has been labelled “sensus plenior”… it is for this reason that the New testament’s interpretation of the Old Testament becomes definitive in helping us interpret the details of the Old Testament, since later revelation brings with it greater clarity and understanding. In other words, we must carefully allow the New Testament to show us how the Old Testament is brought to fulfillment in Christ.
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