Order of Decrees Explainations – which lapsarian are you?

Check out Notes on Supralapsarianism & Infralapsarianism – Phil Johnson (John MacArthur’s right hand man) looks at four major ways of ordering the soteriological elements of God’s eternal decree—with a particular focus on the difference between supralapsarianism and infralapsarianism. He summarizes the differences in a side-by-side comparison below. Explanatory notes follow.

Summary of Views
Supralapsarianism Infralapsarianism Amyraldism Arminianism

  1. Elect some, reprobate rest
  2. Create
  3. Permit Fall
  4. Provide salvation for elect
  5. Call elect to salvation

  1. Create
  2. Permit Fall
  3. Elect some, pass over the rest
  4. Provide salvation for elect
  5. Call elect to salvation

  1. Create
  2. Permit Fall
  3. Provide salvation sufficient for all
  4. Elect some, pass over rest
  5. Call elect to salvation

  1. Create
  2. Permit Fall
  3. Provide salvation for all
  4. Call all to salvation
  5. Elect those who believe

You can also check out this article: The Order of Decrees on Theopedia.  The chart below is from that website.

Supralapsarian Infralapsarian Amyraldian Arminian Semi-Pelagian Pelagian
To create mankind
To elect some to eternal life and the rest to eternal separation To permit the fall of man To permit the fall of man – physical and moral deterioration Gift of free will whereby each may do all that is required of him
To permit the fall of man To elect some to eternal life, leaving the rest to their just deserts The atonement of Christ – where all men are made savable, with salvationconditioned on individual faith. The atonement of Christ – where satisfaction is made for all men and all are given sufficient grace to believe, if they will The atonement of Christ – to make possible the gift of sufficient grace and give this grace to all Gift of the law andgospel to illuminate the way and persuade men to walk in it.
The atonement of Christ – where satisfaction is made for the elect thus securing their redemption To elect some to receive moral ability and the necessary grace to believe To predestine to eternal life those whom He foresaw would believe of their own free will Salvation of all who freely cooperate with this grace Gift of Christ to (expiate past sinand) set a good example
The gift of the Holy Spirit to regenerate and sanctify the redeemed The gift of the Holy Spirit to sanctify believers Sanctification of all who cooperate with the sufficient grace Sanctification by cooperation with God‘s grace Acceptance of all who walk in the right way

Dr. Robert Raymond has a modified view of the Classical Supralapsarian (CSL) position.  Compare the lapsarian views and then the Modified SL in the following construction:

Modified Supralapsarian view:
1. the election of some sinful men to salvation in Christ (and the reprobation of the rest of sinful mankind in order to make known the riches of God’s gracious mercy to the elect)
2. the decree to apply Christ’s redemptive benefits to the elect sinners
3. the decree to redeem the elect sinners by the cross work of Christ
4. the decree that men should fall
5. the decree to create the world and men
Robert Reymond, _A New Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith_, pp. 480, 488-489

see also www.disciplemaking.net
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