Do you want to read the whole Bible?
I always believe that reading the bible every year is the best devotional practice that one can make a habit of. If the average person reads 200 to 250 words per minute, and if there are about 775,000 words in the Bible, then it would take less than 10 minutes a day to read the whole Bible in a year.
(Those who want to bore into the details of how long it takes to read each book of the Bible can visit
But a simple resolution to do this is often an insufficient. Most of us need a more proactive plan. Here are some plans to look at for 2015 as you make your resolutions to read the Bible through.
Bible Reading Plans from Ligonier for 2015
Navigators Bible Reading Plans
Bible Reading Plans from Heritage Bible Church
How to Read the Bible and Enjoy It by Michael Hyatt
Bible Reading Plans from Bible Gateway
Bible Handbooks
With the Word: Chapter by Chapter Bible Handbook
365 Day Devotional Commentary by Laurance O. Richards
Bible Pathway Devotional – for reading the Bible through in a year. You can read it for free each day at
- G.P.S (God’s Power Source) from Bible Pathway is a devotional geared towards teens and young adults!
- Bible Pathway Devotion (with definitions, Christ focus, and prayer) @
- Bible Pathways devos with Archive – @
For the Love of God by D.A. Carson
Table Talk Devotional magazine
The One Year Through the Bible Devotional
Baptist and Reformed Devotionals
Today’s Youth Devotional by Josh McDowell
Today’s Family Devotional by Josh McDowell
My Previous Bible Reading Plan Posts
Bible Reading plans – Justin Taylor
Bible Reading Plans, Daily One Year Schedule
More info on Professor Horner’s Bible Reading System
Bible Reading Plans for your Devotionals for 2011
10-10-10-10-10 Rule for Bible Reading
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