
Ways to Change to reach Your Community

Focus on what your church does well.   Add a worship service. Plant a church.  Reinvent your Congregation. Read more at: 4 Options When Your Church Doesn’t Match the Community: see also www.disciplemaking.net

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Christianity Explored – Interview with Rico Tice

I would encourge everyone to listen to this conversation with the Rico Tice, pastor and founder of Christianity Explored. Christianity Explored – Interview with Rico Tice Rico Tice is Associate Minister of Evangelism at All Souls Church, Langham Place, London. He is also Founder of Christianity Explored, the evangelistic introductory course to Christianity. This week on the Connected Kingdom podcast, Rico talks about the impact of John Stott upon his life and ministry, how his previous singleness made Christianity Explored possible, and how he keeps his own evangelistic fervor alive. US listeners can find Christianity Explored resources here. Christianity Explored

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G.O.S.P.E.L. from Humble Beast Records on Vimeo.Presented by our good friends at www.Dare2Share.org.You can purchase/download at https://www.dare2share.org/store/content/life-6-words-gospel-0 Download Propaganda’s New Album“Art Ambidextrous” for FREE athttp://humblebeast.com/downloads/ see also www.disciplemaking.net

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A believer in Substitutionary [Actual] Atonement Shares the Gospel

With all the pejorative misinformation and straw-man presentations of different Evangelistic Theologies.  The following post from Desiring God is a helpful in understanding the Biblical basis and importance of Substitutionary Atonement or Actual Atonement when proclaiming the Gospel. From Desiring God blog: Here’s a conversation between an unbeliever and an evangelist who believes in the doctrine of [Substitutionaary or Actual Atonement] definite atonement (sometimes unhelpfully called “limited atonement”)—the biblical teaching that when Jesus died, God’s unalterable purpose was to cancel the sins and commute the death sentence of all whom he would give to the Son (John 6:39). Unbeliever: So what are you offering

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Recovery of the Gospel in the life of Dr. D. James Kennedy

I remember Dr. D. James Kennedy as pastor/theologian who – unlike many Christian pastors (and Christians) – was not influenced today’s humanism that makes one preach a truncated gospel.  A truncated gospel proclaims a lowest common denominator belief system (it asks: “what is the least doctrine I can believe in and commit to and still be considered a Christian.”).  I am grateful for Dr. Kennedy evangelistic passion that compeled him to battled this thin, reduced, and truncated Gospel because: I am convicted that Today’s (Truncated) Gospel  minimizes the application of the gospel theology of salvation to justification (or just having our sins forgiven and/or being declared righteous) instead

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Plan of Evangelism by Glenn Leatherman

The fuel and goal of all evangelism is true heartfelt worship that celebrates and enjoys God. The Evangelism that flows from God-centered worship are the bookends (so to speak) of Disciplemaking that obeys the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20). I believe in evangelism and missions because I believe its necessity is taught in the Bible. People have broken God’s law and are in need a savior to save them from the wrath of God. The Bible declares that “there is one God, and [only] one mediator also between God and men, the man Jesus Christ.” (1 Timothy 2:5). This is why we must

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Good Example of Open-Air street Witnessing

Here is one of my friends, James, who is witnessing to people at the 3rd Street Promenade in Santa Monica last Saturday Night.  This is one of his best encounters with a man who is a consistent antagonist each week.  This is a known place where stars from Movies and TV shop, but it also a hangout for many and a fund place to do their shopping.  This is a weekly Evangelistic ministry at the 3rd street Promenade http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPpXERHygeM see also www.disciplemaking.net

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Pastoral Interview

The following questions are from a interview I did with a student at Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary. 1) What is the most important thing for a pastor to know? Genuinely Knowing Christ (not a false convert) and that God is the goal of the Gospel (not life enhancements). Thus his ministry must be based on proclaiming the Gospel through exposition of the Word. (Eph. 4:1-4). One could say the same thing by stating “please or love God first, not men” in all you do. (Hebrews 11:6, Revelation 2:4-6). 2) What has kept you going when things are going hard in the ministry?

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Glenn Leatherman

I am first of all a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ. I affirm Evangelical Christian beliefs as well as  Gospel driven in philosophy of ministry. I am married to Ann and am raising 2 wonderful boys – Jonathan and Andrew. My purpose is to build disciplemaking disciples that are becoming fishers of men in fully displaying of God’s Glory in all things. Learn more

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