What the Southern Baptist Convention was Founded Upon
Here is many good articles dealing with historical SBC theology and issues: What the Southern Baptist Convention was Founded Upon & SBC Concerns see also www.disciplemaking.net
Here is many good articles dealing with historical SBC theology and issues: What the Southern Baptist Convention was Founded Upon & SBC Concerns see also www.disciplemaking.net
John 7:32-53 Sermon Outline Fallen Condition Focus:Inability apart from the Spirit to find JesusTheme:Spiritual Convictions are needed to promote Gospel proclamation Transition: Reasons Spiritual convictions are needed Complements I used:Spiritual Convictions cannot be enforsed by others – 32Spiritual Convictions focus on a heavenly Christ – 33-36Spiritual Convictions depends on Spiritual hydrodynamics – 37-39 (Ez. 47:1-9; Neh. 8:5-9:20)Spiritual Convictions acknowlede Jesus as Prophet, priest, and king – 40-42Spiritual Convictions promote witnessing inspite of divisions – 43-46 (Luke 12:51-52)Spiritual Convictions see a harmony between the law and the Gospel – 47-53 Other complements not used:Spiritual worshipers(Conviction) seeks a Christ of glory in
The following link is Piper’s 85 page document on Bethlehem Baptist Church’s proposed changes in baptism and church membership. Is this a biblical stand? How do you protect the elder statement of faith from being influenced in the future? Could padeobaptist grow in number to be able to change the elder statement of faith so as to make the church “non-baptistic?” I would love to know what you think. Baptism and Church MembershipAt Bethlehem Baptist ChurchEight Recommendationsfor Constitutional Revision see also www.disciplemaking.net
Great article on how evangelism and a genuine concern for doctrinal integrity go hand in hand. Historic Southern Baptist Principles see also www.disciplemaking.net
What happens when Christians get unbalanced in their theology? Answer: We make weard statements in trying to uphold our view of God instead of insisting that there is mystery in Scripture. I believe that we must see God’s will in Hurican Katrina as both an act of judgment and an act of grace and mercy and love. We must look at the 100s of years when the gulf cost (my childhood home) has been safe and give God credit for his mercy in sustaining our lives when we do not deserve to live. Our rebellion against God has made us
Dr. albert Mohler writes a good warrning to those evangelicals who practice hyperevangelism that wants to give premature assurance. Read his article: Guarded Through Faith: Assurance and Perseverance. It is also important to understand that our assurance of our salvation is rooted in the eternal purposes of God, in the Son’s accomplished work, and in the sealing of the Spirit. I was greatly encouraged by his article, and I hope you will be too. see also www.disciplemaking.net
Sermon on John 7:14-31 The Theme I usedSpiritual judment depends on trusting the right spiritual authority. Other Possible ThemesKnowledge makes you rebel against Jesus’ authorityMoral attitudes determine the rightness of your Spiritual judgmentWhat we love will determine the authoritySpiritual Authority must arouse the conscious not the curiosity. Transition to the sermon complements:8 ways spiritual judgement relys on the right spiritual authority. Complements – I used in my sermonSpiritual judgement relys on reveation not education – 14-15.Spiritual judgmeent relys on pure or right motives to God’s will – 16-17.Spiritual judgment relys on another glory – 18.Spiritual judgment relys on understanding covenant
Matthew 18:10-14 Luke 15:3-7 The amazing thing that I just discovered in reflection on thses verses is that these parables about the lost sheep have different meanings in each of these contexts. When I saw this I said “whoohaaa!” It was a revelation I had not thought about before. The Matthew passage was designed to show the care God takes for the preservation of the saints, as a reason why we should offend them. The Luke passage on the other had is designed to show the pleasure that God takes in the conversion of sinners, as well as to give
What is the life of Christianity? What does it involve? What is the objective of Christian Spirituality? Is it Holiness? I have been reflecting on this issue in the life of the church since the late 1980s. Currently, I have been reading through Choose the Life by Bill Hull as he tries to answer: “what is the life that Christ calls us to live?” I appreciate his proclamation that “a faith that separates salvation from discipleship is not the faith of the New Testament. Faith without obedience is not real; it is nothing more that intellectual exercise. The faith taught
Dr. Albert Mohler has written 2 very thoughtful and short pieces on the issue of evil in our lives. It is a timely article in light of the distruction caused by Huricane Katrina. You can read them at: The Goodness of God and the Reality of Evil Behind a Frowning Providence — The Christian’s Confidence in the Face of Sorrow see also www.disciplemaking.net
I am first of all a disciple and follower of Jesus Christ. I affirm Evangelical Christian beliefs as well as Gospel driven in philosophy of ministry. I am married to Ann and am raising 2 wonderful boys – Jonathan and Andrew. My purpose is to build disciplemaking disciples that are becoming fishers of men in fully displaying of God’s Glory in all things. Learn more